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Master of Arts (History)
Effective from 2024 batch
PHI-101 History of Modern Europe II (c.1880-193 9)
PHI-102 History of Modern China 18th Century to the 20th Century
PHI-103 Evolution of Modern Political Thought in India
PHI-104 Basic Principles and Methods in Archaeology
PHI-105 Fundamental of Tourism
PG-MD-204 Research Methodology
PG-MD-205 Public Policy
PG-MD-206 Tulantmaka Sahitya
PG-MD-208 Demography
PG-MD-210 Understanding Public Administration
PG-MD-211 Impact of Disasters in Tourism Branding
PG-MD-212 Digital Marketing
PG-MD-213 The Scientific Study of Language
Effective from 2022 batch
MHI-301 India Under the East India Company
MHI-302 Research Methodology
MHI-303 Modern World-I
MHI-304 Heritage, Art and Architecture in India
MHI-401 India Under the British Crown
MHI-402 Modern World-II
MHI-403 Historical Application in Tourism
MHI-404 Society, Culture and Economy History of Modern India
Effective upto 2021 batch
MHI-01: BLOCK-01 Ancient and Medieval Societies - Early Human Societies
MHI-01: BLOCK-02 Ancient and Medieval Societies - Bronze Age Civilizations
MHI-01: BLOCK-03 Ancient and Medieval Societies - Formation of States and Empires
MHI-01: BLOCK-04 Ancient and Medieval Societies - Alternative Social Formation
MHI-01: BLOCK-05 Ancient and Medieval Societies - Religion, State and Society
MHI-01: BLOCK-06 Ancient and Medieval Societies - Feudalism
MHI-01: BLOCK-07 Ancient and Medieval Societies - Trade and commerce in the Medieval world
MHI-01: BLOCK-08 Ancient and Medieval Societies - Medieval World in Transition
MHI-01: BLOCK-9 Ancient and Medieval Societies - Pre-Modern World: An Overview
MHI-02: BLOCK-01 Modern World - Theories of the Modern World
MHI-02: BLOCK-02 Modern World - Modern World: Essential Components
MHI-02: BLOCK-03 Modern World - The Modern State and Politics
MHI-02: BLOCK-04 Modern World - Capitalism and Industrialization
MHI-02: BLOCK-05 Modern World - Expansion of Europe
MHI-02: BLOCK-06 Modern World - International Relations
MHI-02: BLOCK-07 Modern World - Revolutions
MHI-02: BLOCK-08 Modern World - Violence and Repression
MHI-02: BLOCK-9 Modern World - Dilemmas of Development
MHI-03: BLOCK-01 Historiography - Understanding History
MHI-03: BLOCK-02 Historiography - Pre-modern Traditions-1
MHI-03: BLOCK-03 Historiography - Pre-modern Traditions-2
MHI-03: BLOCK-04 Historiography - Approaches to History in Modern Times-1
MHI-03: BLOCK-05 Historiography - Approaches to History in Modern Times-2
MHI-03: BLOCK-06 Historiography - Approaches and Themes in Indian Historiography - 1
MHI-03: BLOCK-07 Historiography - Approaches and Themes in Indian Historiography-2
MHI-04: BLOCK-01 Political Structures in India - Early State Formation
MHI-04: BLOCK-02 Political Structures in India - State in Early Medieval India
MHI-04: BLOCK-03 Political Structures in India - State in Medieval Times
MHI-04: BLOCK-04 Political Structures in India - Colonization (Part-1)
MHI-04: BLOCK-05 Political Structures in India - Administrative and Institutional Structures
MHI-04: BLOCK-06 Political Structures in India - Administrative and Institutional Structures.
MHI-04: BLOCK-07 Political Structures in India - Colonization (Part-2)
MHI-05: BLOCK-01 History of Indian Economy - Historiography, Environment and Economy
MHI-05: BLOCK-02 History of Indian Economy - Emergence and Structure of Complex Economy
MHI-05: BLOCK-03 History of Indian Economy - Early Medieval Economy and its Continuities
MHI-05: BLOCK-04 History of Indian Economy - Expansion and Growth of Medieval Economy-1
MHI-05: BLOCK-05 History of Indian Economy - Expansion and Growth of Medieval Economy-2
MHI-05: BLOCK-06 History of Indian Economy - Trade and Markets
MHI-05: BLOCK-07 History of Indian Economy - The Rural Economy
MHI-05: BLOCK-08 History of Indian Economy - Craft Production, Technological Change and Industrialization
MHI-06: BLOCK-01 Evolution of Social Structures in India Through the Ages - Introductory
MHI-06: BLOCK-02 Evolution of Social Structures in India Through the Ages - Cultures in Transition
MHI-06: BLOCK-03 Evolution of Social Structures in India Through the Ages - Early Historic Societies 6th Century-4th Century A.D
MHI-06: BLOCK-04 Evolution of Social Structures in India Through the Ages - Early Medieval Societies
MHI-06: BLOCK-05 Evolution of Social Structures in India Through the Ages - Medieval Society-1
MHI-06: BLOCK-06 Evolution of Social Structures in India Through the Ages - Medieval Society-2
MHI-06: BLOCK-07 Evolution of Social Structures in India Through the Ages - Modern Society
MHI-06: BLOCK-08 Evolution of Social Structures in India Through the Ages - Social Questions Under Colonialism
MHI-08: BLOCK-01 History of Ecology and Environment : India - Studying Ecology & Environment : an Introduction
MHI-08: BLOCK-02 History of Ecology and Environment : India - Environment and Early Societies
MHI-08: BLOCK-03 History of Ecology and Environment : India - Environment and Agricultural Societies
MHI-08: BLOCK-04 History of Ecology and Environment : India - Appropriation of Environmentother Forms
MHI-08: BLOCK-05 History of Ecology and Environment : India - Indian Philosophy & Environment
MHI-08: BLOCK-06 History of Ecology and Environment : India - COLONIALISM AND ENVIRONMENT
MHI-08: BLOCK-07 History of Ecology and Environment : India - Modern Concerns
MHI-09: BLOCK-01 Indian National Movement - Introduction
MHI-09: BLOCK-02 Indian National Movement - The Formative Phase
MHI-09: BLOCK-03 Indian National Movement - National Movement-the Mass Phase-i
MHI-09: BLOCK-04 Indian National Movement - National Movement-the Mass Phase-ii
MHI-09: BLOCK-05 Indian National Movement - Quit India and its Aftermath
MHI-09: BLOCK-06 Indian National Movement - National Movement and Social Groups-i
MHI-09: BLOCK-07 Indian National Movement - National Movement and Social Groups-ii
MHI-09: BLOCK-08 Indian National Movement - National Movement : Legacies