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Master of Arts (English)
Effective from 2024 batch
Effective from 2022 batch
MEG-301 Literary Criticism
MEG-302 Literary Theories
MEG-303 History of Indian English Literature
MEG-304 Indian English Novels
MEG-401 Comparative English Literature
MEG-402 Comparative World Literature
MEG-403 Introduction to American Literature and American Fiction
MEG-404 American Poetry, Drama and Novels
Effective upto 2021 batch
MEG-04: BLOCK-08 Aspects of Language - The Spread of English
MEG-05: BLOCK-01 Literary Criticism and Theory - An Introduction
MEG-05: BLOCK-02 Literary Criticism and Theory - Classical Criticism
MEG-05: BLOCK-03 Literary Criticism and Theory - Romantic Criticism
MEG-05: BLOCK-04 Literary Criticism and Theory - New Criticism
MEG-05: BLOCK-05 Literary Criticism and Theory - Marxist View of Literature
MEG-05: BLOCK-06 Literary Criticism and Theory - Feminist Theories
MEG-05: BLOCK-07 Literary Criticism and Theory - Deconstruction
MEG-05: BLOCK-08 Literary Criticism and Theory - Contemporary Literary Theory
MEG-06: BLOCK-01 Indian English Literature - Non-Fictional Prose
MEG-06: BLOCK-02 Indian English Literature - Mulk Raj Anand: Untouchable
MEG-06: BLOCK-03 Indian English Literature - Raja Rao: Kanthapura
MEG-06: BLOCK-04 Indian English Literature - Anita Desai: Clear Light of Day
MEG-06: BLOCK-05 Indian English Literature - Midnight’s Children
MEG-06: BLOCK-06 Indian English Literature - The Short Story
MEG-06: BLOCK-07 Indian English Literature - Poetry
MEG-06: BLOCK-08 Indian English Literature - Mahesh Dattani: Tara
MEG-07: BLOCK-01 Comparative Literature - Introduction to Comparative Literature
MEG-07: BLOCK-02 Comparative Literature - Comparative Indian Literature-i
MEG-07: BLOCK-03 Comparative Literature - Comparative Indian Literature-ii
MEG-07: BLOCK-04 Comparative Literature - Comparative World Literature-i
MEG-07: BLOCK-05 Comparative Literature - Comparative World Literature-ii
MEG-07: BLOCK-06 Comparative Literature - Literature And Culture: Exchanges And Negotiations-i
MEG-07: BLOCK-07 Comparative Literature - Literature And Culture: Exchanges And Negotiations-ii
MEG-08: BLOCK-01 American Literature - Contexts of American Literature
MEG-08: BLOCK-02 American Literature - American Fiction-I
MEG-08: BLOCK-03 American Literature - American Fiction-II
MEG-08: BLOCK-04 American Literature - American Prose
MEG-08: BLOCK-05 American Literature - American Poetry-I
MEG-08: BLOCK-06 American Literature - American Poetry-II
MEG-08: BLOCK-07 American Literature - American Short Story
MEG-08: BLOCK-08 American Literature - American Drama
MEG-08: BLOCK-09 American Literature - The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
MEG-01: BLOCK-01 British Poetry - Orientation for the Study of Poetry & The Medieval Poet Chaucer
MEG-01: BLOCK-02 British Poetry - Undertaking a Study of Spenser
MEG-01: BLOCK-03 British Poetry - The Metaphysical Poets, Donne, Herbert & Marvell
MEG-01: BLOCK-04 British Poetry - Studying Milton
MEG-01: BLOCK-05 British Poetry - The Neoclassical poets : Dryden and Pope
MEG-01: BLOCK-06 British Poetry - The Romantic Poets: Blake, Wordsworth & Coleridge
MEG-01: BLOCK-07 British Poetry - The Second Generation Romantic Poets: Shelley & Keats
MEG-01: BLOCK-08 British Poetry - The Victorian Poets : Browning, D.G. and Christina Rossetti & Oscar Wilde
MEG-01: BLOCK-09 British Poetry - The Modernist Poets
MEG-01: BLOCK-10 British Poetry - Some Modernist and Postmodernist Poets: Dylan Thomas, Philip Larking & Sylvia Plath
MEG-02: BLOCK-01 British Drama - Doctor Faustus
MEG-02: BLOCK-02 British Drama - A Midsummer Night’s Dream
MEG-02: BLOCK-03 British Drama - Hamlet
MEG-02: BLOCK-04 British Drama - The Alchemist : A Study Guide
MEG-02: BLOCK-05 British Drama - The Playboy of the Western World
MEG-02: BLOCK-06 British Drama - Pygmalion
MEG-02: BLOCK-07 British Drama - Murder in the Cathedral
MEG-02: BLOCK-08 British Drama - Look Back In Anger
MEG-02: BLOCK-09 British Drama - Waiting for Godot
MEG-03: BLOCK-01 British Novel - Henry Fielding Tom Jones
MEG-03: BLOCK-02 British Novel - Block-2 Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice
MEG-03: BLOCK-03 British Novel - Wuthering Heights
MEG-03: BLOCK-04 British Novel - Charles Dicknens: Great Expectations
MEG-03: BLOCK-05 British Novel - George Eliot: Middlemarch
MEG-03: BLOCK-06 British Novel - Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness
MEG-03: BLOCK-07 British Novel - James Joyce: A Portrait of The Artist As A Young Man
MEG-03: BLOCK-08 British Novel - Edward Morgan Forester: A Passage to India
MEG-03: BLOCK-09 British Novel - Muriel Spark: The prime of Miss Jean Brodie
MEG-04: BLOCK-01 Aspects of Language - What is Language ?
MEG-04: BLOCK-02 Aspects of Language - A History of English Language
MEG-04: BLOCK-03 Aspects of Language - English Phonetics and Phonology-I
MEG-04: BLOCK-03 A Aspects of Language - English Phonetics and Phonology-II
MEG-04: BLOCK-04 Aspects of Language - English Morphology
MEG-04: BLOCK-05 Aspects of Language - English Syntax
MEG-04: BLOCK-06 Aspects of Language - Language in Use-1
MEG-04: BLOCK-07 Aspects of Language - Language in Use-2
MEG-04: BLOCK-09 Aspects of Language - Stylistics