Rural Management
- RM-01: Rural Society, BLOCK-01: Rural Sociology
- RM-01: Rural Society, BLOCK-02: Village Community
- RM-01: Rural Society, BLOCK-03: Rural Social Structure and Institutions
- RM-01: Rural Society, BLOCK-04: Caste System
- RM-03: Rural Development in India (Central & State Govt. Schemes), BLOCK-01: History of Rural Development in India
- RM-03: Rural Development in India (Central & State Govt. Schemes), BLOCK-02: Rural Development and Regional Disparity
- RM-03: Rural Development in India (Central & State Govt. Schemes), BLOCK-03: Approaches to Rural Development in India
- RM-03: Rural Development in India (Central & State Govt. Schemes), BLOCK-04: Rural Development Programmes in India
- RM-04: Rural Social Problems, BLOCK-01: Rural Poverty
- RM-04: Rural Social Problems, BLOCK-02: Rural Illiteracy and Health Problems
- RM-04: Rural Social Problems, BLOCK-03: Rural Unemployment
- RM-04: Rural Social ProblemsBLOCK-04
- RM-09: Rural Development Institutions, BLOCK-01: Institutions of Rural Development
- RM-09: Rural Development Institutions, BLOCK-02: Planning for Rural Development
- RM-09: Rural Development Institutions, BLOCK-03: Institutional Linkages for Rural Development
- RM-09: Rural Development Institutions, BLOCK-04: Rural Economy
- RM-10: Participatory Rural Appraisal & Entrepreneurship, BLOCK-01: Social Research in Rural Sector
- RM-10: Participatory Rural Appraisal & Entrepreneurship, BLOCK-02: Participatory Rural Appraisal Methodology
- RM-10: Participatory Rural Appraisal & Entrepreneurship, BLOCK-03: Rural Industrialization and Entrepreneurship
- RM-10: Participatory Rural Appraisal & Entrepreneurship, BLOCK-04: Diversification of Rural Economic Activities
- RM-11: Rural Resource Management, BLOCK-01: Rural Physical Resources
- RM-11: Rural Resource Management, BLOCK-02: Rural Environment Problems
- RM-11: Rural Resource Management, BLOCK-03: Approaches to Resource Management
- RM-11: Rural Resource Management, BLOCK-04: Backward area Development Programme
- RM-12: Management of Risk, BLOCK-02: Rural Banking and Inclusive Development
- RM-12: Management of Risk, BLOCK-03: SHG, Micro Finance and Micro Insurance
- RM-12: Management of Risk, BLOCK-04: Schemes for Rural Risk Mitigation